What you need to know when filling out a CCDC 9 form:
CCDC 9A & 9B Statutory Declaration of Progress Payment Distribution is a sworn statement for use by the Contractor as a condition of receiving payment for either the second and subsequent applications for progress payment or the release of holdback funds.
1. The declarant identifies whether the declaration is a condition for progress payment or release of holdback funds by marking the appropriate box at the top left of the forms. One declaration cannot be used for both conditions. A separate declaration must be made for release of holdback.
2. Your completed statutory declaration must be signed in front of a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits, a Notary Public, or a Justice of the Peace. This is not the same list as those who can sign a passport application. Included in the full list of qualified persons is your solicitor. You cannot sign your statutory declaration(s) in advance and have one of your employees drop them off. It must be signed by the President, Vice-President, Secretary, or other signing officer authorized by resolution. The declaration cannot be delegated to an employee who is not an authorized signing officer.
3. A commissioner may not sign a form that is blank, only partially completed, or one that contains spelling/typing errors. This is a legal document. Please ensure your statutory declaration(s) are accurately completed before bringing them to the commissioner for signing.
4. Completing the declaration portion of the form. Part of the commissioning process is for the commissioner to personally complete the declaration section (Declared before me at … place name, date, etc.). Please leave this section blank.
5. A CCDC copyright sticker is required on the forms. The Canadian Construction Documents Committee holds the copyright to the design and content of the CCDC 9A and 9B statutory declaration forms. You will see a box in the lower right corner of the current 2001 edition forms to which a CCDC copyright validation sticker needs to be affixed. You will also see a copyright violation warning statement printed across the bottom of the form. This sticker must be affixed before the commissioner signs the form(s). Stickers are available for purchase at OCA.
Virtual Witnessing
In order to help flatten the curve the OCA is currently offering Virtual Witnessing of Statutory Declarations. This requires making a video call so you will need a smart phone or a computer with a camera. There are many types of video conferencing apps like Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp. We will contact you to determine the best option for the call.
This is a free service for OCA Members.
For virtual witnessing members can contact one of the commissioners by email during business hours (8:00am – 4:00pm)
stephanie@oca.ca, mjroy@oca.ca, alex@oca.ca or kaitlyn@oca.ca
Non-members would need to place a Virtual Witnessing order at $17.70 + HST for each document witnessed.
Order Virtual Witnessing for CCDC 9a
Order Virtual Witnessing for CCDC 9b
Orders are processed during business hours (8:00am – 4:00pm)
What you need to do for the call:
- Provide your photo ID
- Focus the phone/camera on your UNSIGNED page while you sign your document
- Scan to the person you are speaking with (within 10 minutes please)
- We will sign and scan back to you
- If necessary, place your copyright seal on as the LAST step, it will be better quality this way if you are sending this document electronically to the contractor or owner.