Join us at the OCA offices located at 9 Antares Drive for our Meet the GC’s event on Tuesday, September 17th. Check-in will open at 3:30 pm with the event beginning at 4:00 pm.
Overflow parking is available for attendees at the Paterson Group's parking lot, located at 9 Auriga. Parking in the Canadian Bank Note Company lot next to the OCA facility will result in your vehicle being towed.
"Meet the GC" is a new event designed to support meaningful connections between our General Contractor members and our Trade Contractors, Manufacturer & Suppliers & Industry service providers. This event will focus on networking and connections of value for everyone who attends.
Each General Contractor will be invited to the stage to give a brief 2-3 minute summary of their firm, current and upcoming projects, and expectations for business in the year ahead. This will be followed by a networking opportunities.
These events will be hosted multiple times across the calendar year and each date brings new GC’s that will vary from the small, mid-size & large.
This month's GCs are:
Broccolini Construction Ontario Inc.
EllisDon Corporation
Graham Construction
McDonald Brothers Construction Inc.