Welcome to Ottawa’s Young Construction Leaders!
OYCL promotes networking and building opportunities to interact with potential clients and suppliers in order to strengthen working relationships and open doors. We provide leadership opportunities and engagement within our industry and our community.
If you are under 40, come join us at one of our many events;
- Annual community build
- Pub Nights
- Paintball
- Poker Night
- Charity Fundraisers
- Lunch and Learns
- Golf Tournament
- Family Skate Day
- Student Outreach Program
If you are over 40, please pass this opportunity on to someone with less grey hair.
We actively participate in all Ottawa Construction Association events, so what are you waiting for?
Come join us at our next upcoming event or if you can’t wait until then, reach out to any of the members of our Steering Committee.
Click HERE to be added to the OYCL Newsletter to learn about the latest news and events.
If you have any questions, please email oycl@oca.ca.