Gold Seal Certification Program
For information on the Gold Seal Certification Program and how it can help you advance your career visit the Gold Seal Certification website link below
The Gold Seal Certification Program certifies estimators, foremen, owner’s construction managers, project managers, safety practitioners and superintendents working in, or with, Canada’s non-residential construction industry. When you earn your Gold Seal Certified (GSC) or Professional, Gold Seal Certified (P.GSC) credential, you demonstrate excellence through certified experience and nationally-recognized validation of your skills, competence and knowledge. Visit the Gold Seal Certification website for more information. If you do not find the answers you’re looking for, you can contact the Gold Seal team: By email at goldseal@cca-acc.com or by phone at 613-236-9455
Click here to learn more about Gold Seal Certification Program
Algonquin College Programs
Full-time / Part-time Programs Full List of Construction Trades & Building Programs Construction Project Management (Program #1505X01FWO): This online one-year Ontario College Graduate Certificate program provides practical training for individuals whose career goals include the management of construction projects in a wide variety of settings. Capitalizing on a solid educational foundation in construction or construction-related fields, graduates are equipped to manage the total construction process effectively, from initial planning to program completion. The regular use of case studies throughout the program prepares graduates for a full range of situations that can emerge on construction job sites. Distance Education Courses Distance Education courses are courses you take without face-to-face contact with your teacher and classmates. The course objectives and curriculum for distance education courses are the same as for on-campus classes; it is simply the method of delivery which is different. You can study at home or at work - wherever you like, whenever you like, within a prescribed timeframe.
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Sprott Professional Programs, Carleton University
To learn more about in-house and custom programs, please contact customprograms@sprott.carleton.ca
Part-time Programs Masters Certificate in Project Management The Masters Certificate in Project Management was created in order to provide a fast-track, in-depth approach to the delivery of project management training that was Canadian in its roots as well as in its location and very importantly, that recognized the shortage of time with which most project managers are faced. The cohort-based classes and collaborative environment facilitate the formation of a tight-knit network of industry peers for many years to come. Essentials of Project Management for Business & Government This seminar is designed for new project managers and seasoned project managers wishing to update their knowledge base, as well as professionals who manage projects looking to confirm that they are on the right track. The course provides a full overview of the process and techniques of project management using the latest project management methods and provides practical experience in the application of these techniques. In-House & Custom Training Programs To learn more about in-house and custom programs, please contact
Click here to learn more about the Sprott Professional Program
Canada-Ontario Job Grant
Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides opportunities for employers, individually or in groups, to invest in their workforce, with help from the government.
Ontario's workforce is our most valuable asset. As new technologies, globalization and shifting demographics rapidly change Ontario’s economy, they alter the mix of available jobs and the skills people need to succeed in them. By building up education and training, we can maintain Ontario’s competitive advantage, helping businesses and workers adapt to change and achieve their goals.