31 March4 hours, 10:00 AM EDT - 02:00 PM EDT
28 April4 hours, 10:00 AM EDT - 02:00 PM EDT
30 May4 hours, 10:00 AM EDT - 02:00 PM EDT
27 June4 hours, 10:00 AM EDT - 02:00 PM EDT
The process for submitting shop drawings, submittals and samples is key to getting the right materials and equipment to the right place at the right time. However, many contractors, trade contractors and suppliers are struggling with getting timely reviews of the submittals.
This course will review the process from cradle to grave and offer tips and tricks to avoid common mistakes.
The following will be reviewed in this course:
- Common shop drawing process as articulated in:
- CCDC-2 – Stipulated Price Contract
- CCA-1 – Stipulated Price Subcontract
- CCA-19 – Stipulated Price Sub-Subcontract
- CCA-5B – Construction Management for Services and Construction Contract
- CCDC-14 – Stipulated Price Design Build Contract
- Procurement schedule
- Submittal log
- Review process
- What to do when the client wants more than what is called for in the specifications
Guides covered by the course:
- CCA 53 – Trade Contractors Guide and Checklist to Construction Contracts
Intended Audience
Anyone who is involved with the shop drawing process: managers. project managers, project coordinators, superintendents, procurement, and quality control of all levels
Related Info
This course is delivered as an interactive Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course using the PESL GoToTraining platform.
This course is applicable to the Gold Seal Program (1 Credit)
Phil Perry
Phil has over thirty years in the Construction industry, most of which was managing industrial projects for general contractors. He has been teaching post-secondary construction management courses for the last thirteen years. Phil has been facilitating Better SuperVision programs since 2009. He has facilitated over five hundred courses and over four thousand students over the last five years.
In his spare time, Phil is a Master Course Facilitator for the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association and chaired their national Coaching/Instructional program for four years.
Phil was the recipient of the 2018 IG Wealth Management Community National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Coach Developer Award, presented to individuals who go above and beyond to develop trained and certified NCCP Coaches.